Welcome to the server
Server Features
Main Features:
Old Jump
Max level 130
Max gear +9
Two Reborns
Drop rate similar to official Conquer with improved rates, +1 items , weapons 1-2 sock
Item stack, Alt + Click for quick composing
Mining(Ores and gems, DBs with a lower rate)
Pk in Twin City
Official quests
Duel bot
Custom garments, you may also add your own custom
filter the gem quality, ores(No DB)
Item drop(Red name):
When redname, you have a chance to drop your gear on the ground
Guildwar, Citywar, EliteGuildwar, CounterClock, CaptureFlag, TreasureHunting, ElitePK, SkillPk, TeamPK,
ClassPk,WeeklyPk, Monthly Pk
Important notice:
Selling/Trading accounts/items outside the game for real life currencies or any other exchange, will lead to your account being permanently banned without prior notice/warning.
VIP 6 features:
City teleport Warehouse access Heaven blessing
Auto-Pick up a percentage of gold dropped on the ground (10%)
Auto-Pick up meteors
Automatically spam meteor scrolls on items in Twin City
Meteor Scrolls will keep trying to upgrade the item up to 10 times
Meteor Scrolls do not break the item if it fails.
It acts as if you used 10 meteors, meaning every meteor has a chance for a socket (if it successfully upgrades the item)
Teleport to any City without using Scrolls (1 minute cooldown)
Remotely pack Meteors into Meteor Scrolls (Right click on a Meteor when you have 10 Meteors in your inventory)
Better notifications for item drops (+1, Super, DB, Meteor)
1 Free Gender change per month (use the NPC on Market)
10 free sash slots Note: This reward can only be claimed once per account
1 Free Body Size change per month (use the NPC on Market)
1 Free Name Change per month (use the NPC on Market)
Improved visual notifications
Effect around your character
Access to DB/Meteor bank in market. You can store all DBs and meteors in this npc without clogging up your bank!
Item repair through VIP panel
Unlock more hairstyles
Inventory auto loot for mets, dbs, quality items and +n items